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Goldsworthy Installations On Campus

In my group was Sabrina, Lauren, and I. Lauren was absent for the project though so it was Sabrina and I. I thought it would be pretty to have dark in the middle and then a bright color to make the center stand out more. I then wanted to use green to add onto the bright pop. I then chose the darker colors of dark leaves and dead leaves to separate the bright colors. I did like the project and the idea of the project but i feel like i could have done a better job. I also think having the extra member in my group would have been helpful. I didn't enjoy having the chosen groups because i don't hangout with the people who were in my group and i felt like that made it uncomfortable to share what we thought would be a good idea.

After researching Andy Goldsworthy, i saw that he usually made his installations into circles or circle like shapes. That is where i did the circles on the inside but made a hexagon kind of shape on the outside. I also saw that Andy Goldsorthy used layers a lot. For example, when he made the installations with the rocks and leaves. My partner and I couldn't find materials to make a nice umbre or faded look so we just put in bright and dark colors to make each stand out.

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